RootSpa (Bubble Bucket) Level Control

Описание к видео RootSpa (Bubble Bucket) Level Control

Very simple level control system for Bubble Bucket (& RootSpa) users. There is a demand from users of multiple bucket gardens to reduce work-load of maintaining individual buckets. This set-up guarantees that all attached grow-buckets will remain at the proper level and also provides a common reservoir to supply water and conduct nutrient management. Some repetition on how it works but get's the point across nicely. This system will reduce the work-load on multiple bucket systems considerably and allow more time away from the garden. So, go ahead and spend the week-end at the beach without worry - It's a peach of a set-up!
NOTE: Actual installation location of float valve depends on the depth of the net basket in the linked RootSpa's. There is about a 4" adjustment range so install so that the water can touch the bottom of the basket when starting new plants then adjust lower once roots grow into the water.

NOTE2: Install an in-line stop valve between the level control bucket and the first grow bucket to isolate for maintenance reasons and install a drain valve at the end bucket for draining the system during nutrient changes.


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