The episode yall been waiting for , we got ​⁠​⁠

Описание к видео The episode yall been waiting for , we got ​⁠​⁠

If you haven’t heard about or seen the viral reels then idk where you been ‼️‼️ ‪@Harvardseye‬ been taking the city by storm with there hilarious skits , reels and YouTube videos 🚀🚀🚀 recently teaming up with ‪@TommyGMcGee‬ and having the world go CRAZY ‼️‼️ We caught up with my guy and touched on multiple topics such as top 5 worst restaurants , best artist out now && more 💥💥💥 tune into this long awaited interview and be sure to go follow them on all socials 🔥🔥 I promise you won’t be disappointed ✅

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