Elite Qizilbash Warrior vs Imperial Camel Rider | AoE II: DE

Описание к видео Elite Qizilbash Warrior vs Imperial Camel Rider | AoE II: DE

Elite Qizilbash Warrior vs Imperial Camel Rider, Which one is better against each other?
Both Imperial Age Fully Upgraded

00:00 Info / 1v1
00:29 Total Resources Battle

The Qizilbash Warrior is an untrainable cavalry unit, which resists anti-cavalry attacks. They are present in some campaign scenarios and are available in the Scenario Editor.

Qizilbash or Kizilbash were a diverse array of mainly Turkoman Shi'a militant groups that flourished in Azerbaijan, Anatolia, the Armenian highlands, the Caucasus, and Kurdistan from the late 15th century onward. They helped Ismail defeat the Aq Qoyunlu, a Turcoman tribal confederation, and contributed to the foundation of the Safavid dynasty in Persia. Their name was given by their Sunni Ottoman foes in a pejorative manner referring to their crimson headwear, Qizil meaning red and Bas meaning head, but was adopted by the groups with pride.

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