Megaman Starforce 3: Red Joker - All R bosses under 12 seconds (No damage)

Описание к видео Megaman Starforce 3: Red Joker - All R bosses under 12 seconds (No damage)

Oh lol, it´s finally done. It took one freaking day recording this, and some time Editing/Rendering.

Well yeah, I though in doing this for a while, but instead of recording and uploading every boss per separate, why not uploading all at the same time? 8D

As for how I took out the music, I used AR, but that´s all I used it for. No NKG or cheap stuff because it isn´t on the ENG version to begin with, lol.

Please note the purpose of this video is to beat all R bosses under 12 secs, not to beat them with the best record ever. I also show what you get at the end of the video.


List of songs:

True Heroes - Viewtiful Joe 2
Bonus Track/Emptiness and... - The World Ends With You
Fog/Kiri - Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4
Decisive Battle: Vs. Boss - Megaman X7
Holy Land - Megaman Zero 4

I do not own any of these tracks~


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