Coldplay @ The Today Show FANCAM 03142016

Описание к видео Coldplay @ The Today Show FANCAM 03142016

Coldplay rehearsal & show footage from front of stage.
I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to travel to NYC to see Coldplay perform on the Today Show. It was an absolutely amazing experience and my second time seeing them on the plaza (2008). They looked and sounded great even though it was super cold and rainy. But as Chris noted....their "from England" so their use to it. Seeing them live seems more exciting each and every time but watching them rehearse is a very intimate and unique experience. I did my best to record as much of the rehearsal as I could so that I could share the experience with my fellow Coldplayers. It's such a wonderful fan community and one that has given me much support over the years. Coldplay has been a big part of my life since I first heard their music back in 2000. Over the years, their importance became very personal and the basis for many fun and loving memories with my daughter Ryan. When we lost Ryan suddenly to Leukemia, their music became my therapy. Every time I see them I feel like she's there with me. My visit to NYC was made even more special when Chris took a moment to take a photo with Ryan's favorite little toy. The more I see them the more I want to see them. They are addictive for sure. Please enjoy the video and we invite you to visit to see photos with Ryan's MINI and the band.


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