Galactic Civilizations IV 🌌New features and gameplay in this 4X Sci-fi turn based strategy

Описание к видео Galactic Civilizations IV 🌌New features and gameplay in this 4X Sci-fi turn based strategy

Galactic Civilizations IV is a longstanding 4X turn based Sci-fi sandbox game series spanning whole universes from the developer and publisher Stardock Entertainment. It brings character and adventure into a 4X strategy game full of numbers and statistics with its new features like Star sectors, Story driven missions, events, Leader characters and Executive Orders among other gameplay aspects like ship designing and building, trade, diplomacy, tech research, starbase building, colony management, combat, planet invasions, mining and planet improvements. Release date for Early Access is the 26th of April.

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0:00 About the game
0:53 Star sectors - 1st Reason
1:36 Combat & Invasions - 2nd Reason
2:53 Events & Quests - 3rd Reason
3:30 Leaders & Colonies - 4th Reason
5:02 Executive Orders - 5th Reason
5:50 Other Important features
7:20 Ideologies, Ship designs & more

The newest installment of its award-winning space 4X strategy sandbox game series takes the best of what its predecessors had to offer and adds to it with many new and exciting features.

As the all-powerful leader of a spacefaring civilization, the player must seek out new star systems and discover the exciting potential of the subspace realm. There are thousands of worlds to colonize and dozens of civilizations - both old and new - to encounter.

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Explore the Galaxy - Seek out new star systems and discover the exciting potential of the subspace realm.
Meet New Civilizations - The universe is teeming with civilizations both advanced and primitive. Set opponents' difficulty and technological advancement.
Colonize New Worlds - Thousands of worlds to colonize - most of them awful, but all colonizable...if you dare.
Discover New Technologies - Invent new technologies, some are easier than others for your species to grasp.
Recruit and Mentor Citizens - Each citizen is unique with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Shape Your Government - Determine which citizens to place in positions of power and what planets you wish to see governed while taking care not to be defeated in a coup.
Choose Your Destiny - Choose the type of civilization you want to be through your actions and choices.
Adventure Awaits You - The galaxy has a rich, ancient history that you will discover through missions and events.

Core features of a Galactic Civilizations game are:
Tile based (hexes) based movement
Ship design
Strong-AI for opponents
Deep gameplay customization
Free-form movement (as opposed to starlanes)
Player controlled cultural evolution (are you good, evil, or a shade of gray?)
Planetary invasion requires actually invading a planet
Mixture of deep lore (a handful of carefully crafted civilizations and histories) mixed with game-to-game generation of new lore and species
Big technology trees



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