North Sweden, Storforsen - Europe's largest unregulated waterfall

Описание к видео North Sweden, Storforsen - Europe's largest unregulated waterfall

#Storforsen #NorthSweden #SlowLiving
North Sweden, Storforsen - Europe's largest unregulated waterfall. This video shows what it looks like at Storforsen in Northern Sweden. Storforsen is a popular place to visit and it´s also a good representative of how nature looks like in North Sweden. Besides enjoying the waterfall in Storforsen, it is also popular to take a swim/bath in Storforsen during warm summer days. The water is very cold in Storforsen but people jump in anyway! Courage people who dare to jump into Storforsen!
The surroundings of Storforsen is packed with other waterfalls and really old forest. Storforsen with its surroundings is a highly recommended area to visit in North Sweden if you enjoy nature.
There is a nice hotel at Storforsen; Hotel Storforsen. There is also a camping ground and small cabins if you like that.

"Storforsen is a waterfall on the Pite River in Swedish Norrbottens län. Storforsen is located approximately 38 km northwest of Älvsbyn. With an average flow of 187 m3/s, the rapids are one of the most voluminous in Europe. The rapids stretch over a distance of 5 km in which it drops 82 meters 60 of which are a single waterfall.

Flow usually is highest at midsummer: 870 m3/s. During the flood year 1995, a volume of 1200 cubic meters flowed down Storforsen each second.

To prevent accidents the rocks surrounding the rapids are fenced, views being readily accessible to the public via ramps. While the rapids were used in previous years to transport logs, today its surroundings are part of a nature park, visited by 150,000 people each year." Source: Wikipedia

Life in North Sweden is generally lived slowly. In Northern Sweden, people work hard and are peaceful Christians. People in North Sweden appreciate outdoor activities and take every opportunity to go outside. Storforsen with its surroundings is a popular place to visit.

Northern Sweden is sparsely populated with small towns and villages and a lot of wilderness. Winter in North Sweden is very long, dark, cold, and with a lot of snow. Summer in North Sweden is very, very short. The summer in northern Sweden has long bright nights and it is usually not very warm.


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