Director Bao Nguyen on global icon Bruce Lee and ESPN’s BE WATER

Описание к видео Director Bao Nguyen on global icon Bruce Lee and ESPN’s BE WATER

Dig IN Magazine’s Founder/Editor-in-Chief Cindy Maram sits down with ‘Be Water’ Director Bao Nguyen and Producer Julia Nottingham to discuss the upcoming June 7th ESPN documentary film centered around global icon and legend Bruce Lee, as well as talks about the importance of Asian-Americans breaking through the barriers of misleading stereotypes.

Produced by Cindy Maram/Dig IN Magazine
#BruceLee #BeWater #BaoNguyen #ESPN #sports #JuliaNottingham #documentaryfilm #Sundance #DigINMagazine #diginmag #AsianPacificAmericanHerotageMonth #SundanceFilmFestival #interview #exclusive #movies #film #filmfestival #AsianAmerican #APAHeritageMonth #CindyMaram


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