Mnemonics for 14 ANATOMICAL EVENTS at the STERNAL ANGLE: why you don't score 100%

Описание к видео Mnemonics for 14 ANATOMICAL EVENTS at the STERNAL ANGLE: why you don't score 100%

I shared a mnemonics (RAT PLANT Me 45 CLoTH) which I formed on 14 Anatomical events that occurred at the STERNAL ANGLE of LOUIS. You can say thank you by SUBCRIBING to my Channel and sharing this video. Thanks. If you also have more anatomical events, you can drop on the comment section.

CONTENT/ TIME STAMP (Skip to any time stamp aligning with a caption/chapter that interests you)
Intro 0:00 - 0:24
Reasons why you don't score 100% - 0:24 - 2:18
Origination & Location of the sternal angle - 2:18 - 2:43
Significance of the Sternal Angle - 2:43 - 3:20
14 Anatomical events Mnemonics - 3:20 -8:40
Outro - 8:40 - 9:37

Check out other Anatomy Summary lessons on my Anatomy Playlist

Vlogging Kit:
~ iPhone Xs Max
~ Portable Adjustable Tripod Stand from Jumia
~ Generic BOMGE 1.5m cable length Lavalier Microphone for iPhone from Jumia

Editing Apps I used:
~ Inshot
~ Canva
~ iMovie

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#sternalangle #medicstudent #anatomy #vivaexam


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