Pay Teachers A Living Wage | E4E 2023

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Tell US Legislators: Pay Teachers a Living Wage

Being a teacher means doing more work for less pay than your similarly educated peers. In fact, research shows that teachers make 25% less than other college graduates, and as of 2022, the average starting teacher salary was less than $40,000 in nearly half of U.S. states.

Today, two-thirds of all teachers, and half of teachers of color, believe that higher salaries are the best way to attract and retain a talented and diverse workforce. At a time when districts are struggling to hire new talent and keep their current staff, we must increase salaries in order to ensure every student has a great teacher.

We must pay teachers the salaries they deserve. Take action now—send an email to your legislators asking them to support the American Teacher Act or the Pay Teachers Act, which would financially incentivize states to set a minimum teacher salary of $60,000 a year, bringing them in line with their similarly educated peers.

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