Science Tonight: Uproar at the Subatomic Zoo

Описание к видео Science Tonight: Uproar at the Subatomic Zoo

How can a theory (the Standard Model of Particle Physics) which works for an electron fail for its heavier twin, the muon? The most thrilling possibility? New, undiscovered physics previously beyond our ability to detect. Join Chris Smith and Sam Flynn as we explore what exactly the Standard Model predicts, what a “g factor” is, how we measure it, and why exciting new physics may lie just beyond our reach.

Sam Flynn is a PhD candidate at NC State University working with Dr. Gail McLaughlin. His research explores the effects of neutrino oscillations in astrophysical environments, in particular, effects driven by neutrino-neutrino interactions. Sam is interested in understanding how the flavor composition of supernova neutrino signals can be used to deduce details about the explosion and resulting neutron star. Sam has a BS in physics from Wake Forest University. While working on his doctorate he has continued to develop his teaching skills and experience presenting complex physics ideas to a general audience.


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