Vikings 4x15 Reaction Part 1

Описание к видео Vikings 4x15 Reaction Part 1

here we are guys

i feel like since we posted 1x01 people were waiting for this episode and here it finally is.

i thought i was gonna write a big description but i've been sitting here and i have no idea what to say or how to even start

we knew it was coming, up until this episode where we decided it was not going to happen, so we didn't really go prepared and as you could see we paused it and took hours to play it again.
and today i took hours editing it, i think i paused every 10 minutes, cause i forgot most of the episode, or maybe i just blocked it i have no idea, so some scenes were not easy to go through. we didn't say anything at the end cause there was no way to pull ourselves together to say anything.

the hardest thing while watching this episode was trying to keep your eyes on screen while they torture your favorite character, i don't even remember those scenes exactly, and while editing it i wasn't even looking at the screen, that's why most of the scenes are kept in the reaction cause i didn't want to watch and see where to cut.
we paused this episode so many times i lost count, and we were dealing with this in different way, i completely lost it and milena was furious, and if you read our descriptions you know how long we thought we weren't gonna continue the show.

but all of that being said, i do think this episode was one of the best of vikings and i think this death was one of the best in television.

i wanna mention the scene with the seer cause for whatever reason i think that is one of my favorites in the show. like i said in 4x14 i really loved how they handled the religion thing and that just continued in this episode, and ragnars talk and all he said just really made me emotional because vikings were so heavily influenced by their faith and hearing him say
'the man is the master of his own fate, not the gods. The gods are man's creation to give answers that they are to afraid to give themselves' gave me chills cause it felt like the entire show was leading up to that point and that scene. why this scene was shorted in the original version i will never know.

one more scene i want to mention is his last speech, which was truly incredible. i think what makes me very emotional about that speech is that ragnar didn't believe in gods or valhalla anymore, ha wasn't saying this for his sake, he was saying it for his people, for his sons and for all those soldiers that were standing there, he wanted them to know that he is a viking.

ragnar lothbrok was a very flawed character, very ambitious one, he sometimes didn't make it easy for us to like him but he always made it very easy for us to love him, because he loved his family and he wanted to give his people land on a new territory to farm, and he never cared about having a title, he never thought of himself as a god, others did that. and it's for those reasons and so many more that he has become one of our favorite and most loved characters. there will never be anyone like him, all his sons have a part of him and the show portrays that very well but there will never be another ragnar lothbrok

all hail king ragnar


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