The Sandbox Reconstruction Project - immersive projection and laser interactive installation

Описание к видео The Sandbox Reconstruction Project - immersive projection and laser interactive installation

0:00 NULL
0:34 Boolean
0:43 Data
0:49 Machine Consciousness
1:00 Artificial Nature
1:20 Return to Humanity


沙盒是電腦中在測試新環境時候所創造的安全空間。作品分六個段落呈現人造環境,每段的聲響與影像彼此貼合,也可以在空間中走動,感受因身體而影響的畫面;第一段「空NULL」透過沒有影像只有光的空間,以雷射來表現大爆炸開創世界的意象;第二段「布林Boolean」是只有黑(0)與白(1),電腦才認識的語言,讓位元充斥著空間;第三階段「數據Data」是2010年討論的大數據、資料科學等資料集合,呈現從封包、資料庫的視覺意象呈現;第四段「機器意識」,從資料演算轉變,成為更有機的,彷彿具有生命力,喻表類神經網路運算的視覺表現;第五段「人造自然」可能是出現在未來的一種想像,人創造出機器可以產生創意、產生音樂、產生畫作、產生不同物種後,未來亦可能創造出自然界的花草、海洋、陽光,可能不用尋找第二個地球,而是我們有能力打造出第二個地球;最後第六段「回歸人性」,我們充滿希望,對明天充滿期待,無論是否被植入固定的程式,無論世界是否遵照這一種演算法不斷地生成中,最重要的是我們能夠感受事物,能夠對彼此有情感的付出,小狗🐕是我們私心認為對於情感能最沒有包袱付出載體。「one more thing」 人與人連結、熟悉後,用只有好朋友才做的「開玩笑」結尾,或許讓離開前的大家能會心一笑!

"The Sandbox Reconstruction Project" is a five-and-a-half-minute interactive sound and light performance that integrates "projection," "interaction," and "laser." The concept begins with the perspective of humans building the Tower of Babel to approach the Creator. Though the story ends with the divergence of languages, leading to disputes, wars, and the tower's collapse, we imagine differently.

A "sandbox" in the computer realm is a secure space created for testing new environments. The work is presented in six sections that depict artificial environments, where each section's sound and image align seamlessly. Visitors can also walk around and experience visuals influenced by their movements. In the first section "NULL," the absence of images is supplemented by lasers symbolizing the explosive inception of the world. The second section, "Boolean," represents the basic computer language of black (0) and white (1), filling the space with binary codes. The third section "Data" revolves around the idea of big data and data science discussed in 2010, visualizing packets and databases. The fourth segment, "Machine Consciousness," transitions from data processing to something more organic, resembling life, symbolizing the visual representation of neural network operations. The fifth part, "Artificial Nature," envisions a future where humans can produce not only creativity, music, paintings, and different species with machines but might even replicate nature's flora, ocean, and sunshine. There might be no need to search for another Earth when we can create one. The final section, "Return to Humanity," emphasizes hope for the future. Regardless of the coded scripts we may follow or the continual regenerations by specific algorithms, what matters most is our capacity to feel and emotionally connect. The dog 🐕 represents the purest, unburdened emotional expression. As "one more thing," when humans connect and become familiar with one another, a jest shared only among close friends concludes the piece, hopefully leaving the audience with a shared smile.




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