Guzo Ethiopia|ከይምርሃ እስከ ሮሐ NBC Ethiopia

Описание к видео Guzo Ethiopia|ከይምርሃ እስከ ሮሐ NBC Ethiopia

የጅራፍ ድምፅ ያጀባቸው እልልታዎችን ተከትዬ ላሊበላ ገባሁ።
"ተወረወረች ኮከብ
በጊዮርጊስ ክበብ" ሲሉ ቤተ ጊዮርጊስ አፋፍ ላይ ኾኜ እያየሁ ነበር
National Media SC is here to support, the success of our country's
transformational journey; to develop a civic-democratic political culture; which will be free from extremism and racism; for peace to prevail; for building a market-led economy; it is a corporation organised by patriotic Ethiopians who are motivated to make an ultimatum contribution through professional and responsible media;



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