Next Level Coffee Scale - DiFluid Microbalance Ti

Описание к видео Next Level Coffee Scale - DiFluid Microbalance Ti

DiFluid upgraded their Microbalance smart coffee scale to the version Ti.

What have changed?
1. The battery is bigger (2500 mAh)
2. Charging with the higher current (1.2 A)
3. Faster booting time (2 seconds)
4. Weight limit is increased (3000 g)
5. Heat insulation is better (no weight drift)

On practice, I've charged Microbalance once a week (with 2-3 brewings a day). Ti version served me for 11 days (though, way more working time because of video shooting).

But they didn't stop there. Because modern scale is only partially the hardware. The software is what makes them really unique.

And their app, DiFluid Cafe recently got a new features. And in the future, it'll be a complete game-changer.

Beans section allows to store information about how much coffee is left, how many days after roasting have passed (specialty coffee lovers will understand the importance), and sort the brewings by coffee to find the best recipe. And much more.

In the future, it'll be possible to share the recipes, discuss them etc.

And the settings which I dreamed of for a few months - Auto-shutdown time is now available to be adjusted!

DiFluid Ti -


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