Fragrant Hostas for the Shade: How to Grow & Care for Hosta plantaginea

Описание к видео Fragrant Hostas for the Shade: How to Grow & Care for Hosta plantaginea

Hostas are one of the best lush plants for the shady garden providing rich foliage for many months. Some varieties also produce flowers. But one species in particular produces flowers that are also fragrant! That is the Hosta plantaginea.

This shade loving plant is the perfect addition to plant in your garden this autumn. Planting Hostas in the autumn allows them to create a nice root system over the winter months and then next spring your garden will be filled with their lush beauty.

I spotted this incredible clump while walking through Winterthur Gardens in Delaware. They have masterfully planted dozens together so that they effortlessly grow into one another, creating a solid unified mass in the garden. Planting them in a location with an evening backlighting made them truly glow at Winterthur. And the jasmine/gardenia-esque fragrance is something you would never expect to come from a Zone 3-9 hardy plant like this Hosta! A veritable treat in the garden.


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