Spring hive inspection, 🌸 First hive inspection of the year

Описание к видео Spring hive inspection, 🌸 First hive inspection of the year

First hive inspection after the winter is an important bee hive inspection.
You need to check if all of your hives are good and healthy after the winter and to make sure they all have laying queens.

This is our first inspection of the year. We are inspecting colony’s food storages and brood. We need to make sure that the brood is healthy and that the bees don’t have any problems.

We are showing you two hives, frame by frame, so you can see what’s inside - honey, pollen, nectar, capped and uncapped brood.

We are also reversing brood boxes. Queen and brood were in the top box, so we are putting that box to the bottom. Bottom medium box was empty and now we are putting it on top so that the colony will fill it up while growing.

👉 Note that the medium boxes are not supers but brood boxes. It is important to understand the difference between brood boxes and honey supers. And both can be in every size possible.

🌸 To understand this difference better, as well as different possibilities for beehive setups, check this article: https://beehivetutorials.com/hive-box...

🌸 If you have trouble with your hive inspections and don’t know what exactly to look for, go to: https://beehivetutorials.com/basic-hi...

🌸 Another beehive inspection video where we are opening weaker and stronger hive so you can compare them:    • Beehive Inspection - Two Hives Compar...  

🌸 If you want to learn beekeeping, check our free tutorials at: https://BeehiveTutorials.com


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