Pixarus (Toverland) - VR ONRIDE - 360° interactive Sky Fly ride POV

Описание к видео Pixarus (Toverland) - VR ONRIDE - 360° interactive Sky Fly ride POV

Pixarus is one of the 4 new rides in the themed area Avalon in the Dutch theme park Toverland, next to the kiddie carroussel Jumping Juna, the outdoor slow moving tour Garden Tour and Dragonwatch, a parachute drop tower. Together with rides like Fēnix and Merlin’s Quest these rides make this area of the park even more beautiful and magical. It’s one of the most beautiful theme park areas in The Netherlands in my opinion.

Pixarus itself is a beautifully themed Sky Fly manufactured by Gerstlauer, located right in the middle of the helix of the B&M wing coaster Fēnix which was one of the first rides in this area since 2018. Pixarus is an interactive ride in which you can control the seat you are in. You can enjoy a smooth flight in the air, taking in the amazing view over Avalon. Or you can make it very thrilling by moving your wings to make your seat go upside down as much as you prefer. After riding you are even able to see on the scoreboard how many rolls you did.

#vr360 #360rollercoaster #360video #themepark #rollercoaster #360vr #insta360 #amusementpark #rollercoasterpov


Camera: Thibault Deprez
Produced and edited by: Thibault Deprez

Gear used in the video:
Insta360 X3

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