How to use the Chrome Browser safety check

Описание к видео How to use the Chrome Browser safety check

Keeping safe when surfing online is really important. In this video I'll show you how to use the Chrome Browser safety check. It's built into the Chrome Browser, so it's really easy to find and use.

It does not matter what computer you use. Whether you use a Chromebook with built-in virus protection or another type of computer where you install third party virus protection software.

Something that cannot be protected against is what you do yourself. Chrome extensions are great because they add functionality, but they also pose a big risk. If you use extensions you need to know they are safe.

The Chrome Browser safety check will check the extensions you're using and will let you know if they are safe to use. Also, it checks to see if any of your passwords are weak or have been exposed in a data breach.

By running the Chrome Browser safety check on a regular basis. You will help to keep yourself safe when using the internet.

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