Bringing His E30 Back From The Dead | Air Lift 3P Install

Описание к видео Bringing His E30 Back From The Dead | Air Lift 3P Install

For all wheels, tires, & suspension! 👇

This E30 has a long history when it comes to Fitment Industries. You guys have seen it in content over the years, and we've shown it being built on the channel. Whether it was adding the wheels, tires or suspension, this BMW has held a special place in Corey's heart.

But it's always broken, cause it's a BMW. So Corey has been on a mission to get this thing drivable again and back to it's former glory.

Check out the video as we revive this E30 back into a functioning car, and get the suspension dialed in with some Air Lift 3P goodies.

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0:00 - intro
0:19 - home depot exclusive air system
2:48 - e30 lore
5:49 - 318i POWWAA
6:30 - home depot special pt.2
7:42 - how NOT to install an air system
9:40 - Air Lift 3p install
10:26 - car reveal
11:24 - corey's thoughts on the new system
13:03 - the bimmer breakfast club
13:23 - gag reel

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