Ski Like A Pro | 3 drills to help you carve like a racer

Описание к видео Ski Like A Pro | 3 drills to help you carve like a racer

We've all seen ski racers and expert skiers carving down the mountain, getting their hips and body so close to the ground as they arch out turns, have you ever wanted to know what their secret was?

Katie White, head of Portillo Ski School in Chile takes us through a number of the drills she used when she was learning and gives you tips and techniques to help.

By working on rolling her feet in a basic parallel, directing pressure to her outside ski, and working on her edge rolls, Katie is able to really get her hip on the ground, and carve out some 'mad angs'.

Katie is also using Carv to help identify what she needs to work on, and how she can improve.

With Carv you know objectively how you’re doing at each of these drills, and can see exactly where you need to focus to improve in your next run. If you'd like to know more about how Carv can help you improve, check out our website:

0:00 Introduction
0:16 Drills intro
0:44 Lesson Aim
1:41 Drill 1: No poles basic parralel
3:27 Drill 2: Outside ski turns
5:02 Drill 3: Edge rolls
6:08 Teach the cameraman
8:07 Putting it all together

Filmed: Portillo, Chile
Skier: Katie White

Music License: MB01XT0VIOEPPKT


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