Kill Baby Hitler Walkthrough - All Endings

Описание к видео Kill Baby Hitler Walkthrough - All Endings

This is a walkthrough of the game "Kill Baby Hitler".

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Game created by jacklehamster (Jack Le Hamster, Vincent Le Quang)
Game description (from creator):
If you could travel back in time, what would you do? Would you kill Baby Hitler?

Some people recently answered that question. Ben Shapiro deems it immoral, Jeb Bush says: "Hell yeah!", and Tom Hanks is ready to vote for it! But when face with the reality of this moral dilemma, can you actually do it? Are you man enough to Kill Baby Hitler?

Produced for Really Retro Game Jam, this simple retro style game has outstanding graphics at 64p resolution and 4 colors. You will be part on an epic adventure, where you will travel back to 1889 and kill baby hitler, or not.

There are 4 possible endings.
#walkthrough #killbabyhitler


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