How to Run Automation on AWS EC2 | Run automation from Jenkins using shell script on aws ec2

Описание к видео How to Run Automation on AWS EC2 | Run automation from Jenkins using shell script on aws ec2

▶️ In this session, we will see complete end to end process of Executing Selenium Framework on AWS EC2 instance using Docker Selenium Grid and Shell Script file from Jenkins Parameterized Job.


1. Sign up for an AWS account
Create an EC2 instance.
Connect to EC2 using the .pem file.

2. Install Maven, Java, Jenkins, Docker, Docker Compose, Git etc.

3.Setup Jenkins Parameterized Job
-- Add Parameters --

4. Set up the Docker Selenium Grid using a docker-compose.yml file

5. Create a 'Shell Script' file ( to update parameter values, IP, etc.

6. Push Project From Local to GitLab Repo
-- Use of PAT for authentication
-- Use SSH key for authentication

7. Go to Jenkins and Configure SCM Repo URL in Jenkins Job

8. Select parameters like Suite, Browser, Server, IP etc.

9. Build the Jenkins job

10. Monitor the tests, check docker logs, Stats , Jenkins console, etc.

** Try to watch session completely, All the practical things from this session will definitely help you in real time projects and Test Automation interview , You can play the video with 1.5x speed if don't have much time. **

Commands -
sudo yum install -y java-17-amazon-corretto-devel
sudo yum install maven
sudo yum install git-core
sudo yum install docker
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo curl -L " -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo systemctl start jenkins

Thanks for watching! Happy coding and automating!

▶️ If you have any queries , questions or suggestions, please add in the comment. I will be happy to hear suggestions and feedback from you so that I can improve the same. Help your friends to learn automation by suggesting the channel. Thanks
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