FS19 | New Mods (2020-01-20/2) - review

Описание к видео FS19 | New Mods (2020-01-20/2) - review

Farming Simulator 19
New Mods (2020-01-20/2) - review
(original download links below)
-- I always use the modder’s ONLY ORIGINAL mods site link, if i have it. Please let me know if there’s a problem with the link! --
Fiat 80 Series
Author: JDM96

Small Italian 70s tractor available in different engine configurations:
-Fiat 580: 58 hp ($ 15.000)
-Fiat 680: 68 hp ($ 16.000)
-Fiat 780: 78 hp ($ 17.000)
-Fiat 880: 88 hp ($ 18.000)

Other configurations available:
Without front weight,350 kg weight and 750 kg weight.
Standard and narrow wheels (2 wd).
Choice of color between fiat orange and red fiatagri.
Front loader console.

Changelog v1.1.0.0:
4wd option added
Model set up
improved dirt and wear.

Author: ITS


Completly reworked models with more details and functionality.

UPDATE 1.6 Kompaktor "Seed ready"
add "Kompaktor KA600" seedbedcombination

Models included:
Kompaktor S300
Kompaktor KA600
Kompaktor KA600-3P
Zirkon12 K600
Zirkon12 K500
Zirkon12 K400
Dolomit9 3m
Dolomit9 4m

Bale Storage Sheds
Author: GtX

These 10 x 20 meter steel sheds are the perfect solution for the farmer who wants to keep lots of bales in stock.
With an easy to use interface and the option for all square and round bales these compact sheds will have a place on all farms.

Modified bale capacities will be accepted and respawned in the same order as they are delivered.

Buildings use the original purpose built 'Object Storage.lua' so no extra script addons or mods are required.

Seasons Support:
Silage bales will continue to ferment when added to storage.
Number of fermenting bales show in UI.
Current fermenting process and state of each bale can be seen in the 'Fermenting Screen' (Single Player Only)
Roof top snow when using Seasons in snowy conditions.

Square Bale Sheds:
Price: 11000
Capacity: 420
Shed Types: Straw, Silage, Hay and Grass

Round Bale Sheds:
Price: 11000
Capacity: 410
Shed Types: Straw, Silage, Hay and Grass

The Official GAME website: www.farming-simulator.com

#FarmingSimulator19 #FS19NewMods #FS19ModsReview


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