UML Class and Object Diagrams | Association vs. Aggregation vs. Composition | Geekific

Описание к видео UML Class and Object Diagrams | Association vs. Aggregation vs. Composition | Geekific

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Class diagrams and object diagrams are the main focus of this video. Additionally, while going over the basic concepts of class diagrams we attempt to cover and define: association, aggregation and composition.

Correction: At the very end (9:20) in Object Diagrams, the direction of the arrow between the Account and its Sub-Accounts should be exactly the way it was in Class Diagrams. Sorry about that!

00:00 Introduction
01:08 Class Diagrams
02:15 Class Diagrams and Inheritance
03:02 Class Diagrams and Association
04:44 Class Diagrams and Aggregation
05:34 Class Diagrams and Composition
06:44 Association Example
08:11 Object Diagrams
09:30 Thanks for Watching!

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