How to register banglarbhumi signup filling form at website….

Описание к видео How to register banglarbhumi signup filling form at website….

Process on How to register banglarbhumi signup filling form at website….
Banglarbhumi is an official website portal launched and officiated by the West Bengal state. The website host great significance in the state as it contains all land records details. Since its opening in the year 2010 Banglarbhumi portal has found thousands of visits from the states citizens. Recently the officials of West bengal has changed into a new look. After the officials was added few more services in the official website. It holds information like:

Plot number  and information

Land area and the activities held

Name of the owner


Mouza Map Availability Details

The property value of each land in the state.

The website has greater value as land owners and property developers can use the portal to learn about the infrastructure of the given land. West Bengal citizens also find the website amazing as they don’t have to visit land offices but access the website using smart devices.

However to get any information about land citizens have to Banglarbhumi signup form at the Banglarbhumi website.  The site works round the clock and one needs to sign in using the official website Citizens can only access the website using the official username and password which one enters during the signing up process. The website is restricted for unauthorized users. Below we have the official Banglarbhumi signup procedure which contain steps as follows:

Website link -


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