Wild Horse Adoption March 2024

Описание к видео Wild Horse Adoption March 2024

Check out the animals from Oregon's Wild Horse Corral Facility available for online auction, March 4 – 11, 2024!

In this latest auction event, there are 46 horses from southeast Oregon, along with many more from other parts of the West. The available Oregon horses range from 4 to 18 years old and come from the Stinkingwater, Hog Creek, Palomino Buttes, and South Steens herd management areas. All 46 of these horses are eligible for the BLM's Adoption Incentive Program, which gives $1,000 to qualified applicants who adopt an untrained animal. Horses aged 11 and over are also available for the BLM’s Sales Program, which allows for direct purchase and immediate ownership.

Before horses and burros are moved from the facility, they are given a final brand and health inspection from a veterinarian. See all the individual animal profiles and pick up locations, and sign up to adopt today: https://wildhorsesonline.blm.gov/Animals.

If you have any questions, call 1-800-370-3936 or email [email protected]. Or you can contact Oregon’s Wild Horse Corral Facility: 541-573-2749.

*This video features 44 of the 46 horses available for adoption.


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