Most Ukrainians are traitors | Більшість українців - зрадники

Описание к видео Most Ukrainians are traitors | Більшість українців - зрадники

Damn Ukrainians have stolen my ability to perform. No matter how quirky my jokes are - Ukrainian radicals manage to do something more absurd. So prepare to watch the observation comedy of the Ukrainian radical absurd that I got to see firsthand before I got the fuck outta there.
Threats, people afraid to invite you to perform, bullying of anybody who doesn't completely agree with the mainstream narrative - that's what I experienced during my last year or so in Ukraine.
I honestly don't know how understandable this material is going to be for the foreigners but the basic premise is: we used to live in a free country and enjoy the freedom of speech but because of people I pretend to be like in this set - we don't anymore. Or at least they don't. I left.

Sorry for the quality - initially this was shot on three cameras and was going to get uploaded on @UndergroundStandUp channel just like @byduck 's standup, but then the war happened and my material became simultaneously more true and completely unacceptable. I could only get my hands on the footage from one camera so here it is.

Очень хотел бы залить более качественную версию с несколькими ракурсами или даже чтоб она вышла на канале Подпольного, как и планировалось, но сами понимаете: какая свобода-то, в Украине 2023-го?))ахах).

#стендап #Украина #українською #Україна #комедия #2023 #концерт #підпільнийстендап
#standup #2023 #2024 #Ukrainian #war #Ukraine #shelter #vasyl #baidak #vasylbaidak


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