MANV-Übung "Hessenlöwe 2013" in Kassel

Описание к видео MANV-Übung "Hessenlöwe 2013" in Kassel

MANV-Übung "Hessenlöwe 2013" im Kasseler Auestadion. Bei einer Veranstaltung soll es auf der Südtribüne zu einer Verpuffung gekommen sein, welche ihrerseits eine Massenpanik auslöst. Um den Rahmen der Übung überschaubar zu halten wurde das Verhältnis von Verletzten und Einsatzkräften herunterskaliert: Rund 300 (bis 400) Statisten haben teilgenommen, ca. 70 wurden als Verletzte geschminkt und dementsprechend vom Rettungsdienst in zwei teilnehmende Krankenhäuser gebracht.

A disaster drill, a mass casualty incident with 70 involved victims, 300 to 400 background actors and 250 rescue workers, took place at the multi-use stadium "Auestadion" in the city of Kassel. Its capacity is at 18,000 people, but in order to keep it at a manageable size without dispatching the majority of the state's emergency crews, the ratio of victims and emergency crews was scaled down. Since the emergency driveway at the stadium offers just a limited space, some ambulances first headed to a nearby standby area and then were dispatched to the stadium as soon as other ambulances left to a hospital (2 hospitals took part in the drill).

Now to get an idea which units from which organizations were on scene I now list the units up to the point where ambulances leave towards the hospitals and come back later:

00:55 -- 2 disaster relief ambulances
01:15 -- Command van, Rescue Engine, Spare Aerial Ladder and Ambulance Kassel FD station 1
01:53 -- Rescue Engine station 2
02:18 -- Pod Carrier station 1
02:53 -- Emergency Doctor and Ambulance from the German Red Cross
03:01 -- Crew Van station 1
03:25 -- 2 Ambulances from the German Red Cross heading to a standby area
03:49 -- Command truck station 1
04:45 -- 4 Ambulances from the Workers' Samaritan Federation, 2 of them heading to the scene, the other 2 to the standby area
05:58 -- Rescue Engine from station 5 (VFD Kassel Niederzwehren) and Engine from station 7 (VFD Kassel Waldau)
06:25 -- Organizational Chief EMS from the German Red Cross
06:50 -- Overall on-scene Commander station 1
07:30 -- Ambulance from St. John heading to standby area
08:17 -- Command truck and Equipment Carrier 'Information and Communication' from Kassel County Civil Protection and Crew Van from Schauenburg VFD
09:43 -- Ambulance from the German Red Cross heading to the standby area
10:50 -- 6 Ambulances from the German Red Cross, St. John and the Workers' Samaritan Federation are going from the standby area to the scene
11:36 -- again the Overall on-scene Commander station 1
12:14 -- Organizational Chief EMS from the German Red Cross
12:38 -- first Ambulance leaving the scene towards a hospital

From this point on it more or less it's the constant circle of ambulances heading to the hospitals, come back to the standby area and then go to the scene to pick up further people. In between there are also some crew vans from the VFD and an EMS Equipment truck from the German Red Cross responding, and some of the normal ambulances are going on the sidewalks, honk at stupid pedestrians and motorists, some ambulances drive on the streetcar rails and so on.
It was a very good day to see motorists behaving badly -- but also the ones behaving good.
Example 1 how NOT to do it: 10:06
Examples 2 and 3 how to do it: 19:45 (well they didn't know that the ambulance will turn) and 25:28
On some ambulances of the German Red Cross you can also see intersection lights and corner strobes -- which is fairly rare in Germany

If you have questions then just ask :)

EnjoyFirefighting, 04-2013


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