Period Pain Relief: What Works? [Dr. Claudia]

Описание к видео Period Pain Relief: What Works? [Dr. Claudia]

Hot water bottles, exercise and medication are some of the recommended ways to help beat period pain, but what really works? Watch this video to find out what the science says about period pain relief and what’s worth trying.

Looking for how to help period cramps? You've come to the right place. We sat down with Dr. Claudia to see what's the deal with several common period pain relief methods. A hot water bottle or heat pack for period cramps may be old school, but it's stuck around for a reason. Heat really can help with relief. When it comes to pain killers, you need to keep in mind any other medications you're taking as well as your personal reaction to the medicine. Exercise may have mixed reviews, but there's some evidence that it can help relieve your cramps. Just make sure to listen to your body: if it hurts worse, skip the movement until you feel better. Birth control can also help relieve particularly bad period symptoms.

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Dr. Claudia is a registered GP living in London with her husband and three children.


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