The Moves Your Making [TMYM] - (Unknown 80’s Song) [FOUND!]

Описание к видео The Moves Your Making [TMYM] - (Unknown 80’s Song) [FOUND!]

Name: The Moves Your Making
Artist: Unknown
Released: 1980’s.
Audio Recorded: May 22nd, 2008.

Most likely released sometime in the 1980’s, this song was posted onto a website called WatZatSong. The uploader going by Baker200 posted the song onto the site sometime in Early February of 2024, “An 80’s funk song that was recorded in 2008 on the radio. Considering how well you guys have been doing identifying these songs, this should be relatively simple to solve.” The post earned 2,349 listens within the first week. Baker recorded it on his IPhone 3G on May 22nd, 2008 somewhere near Miami, Florida. Baker said he would record several songs he liked to set them as ringtones. He was unable to recall the song’s name but knew that back then he usually listened to three local Miami stations; 96.5, 93.9, and 100.7 FM, further going on to say that according to his recollection, 93.9 FM played only 80’s music. (He was likely confusing it with 93.9 MIA) They played several hits while also playing unpopular and mostly unheard of songs such as our mystery song, The Moves Your Making. After some digging, I was able to find out the station was called Love94 back in May 2008, often taking in music submissions from small local bands. They did Jazz but between 2007 and 2008 played a few other genres as well. The station today is owned by IHeart Radio and called Magic 9.39. It apparently changed from Love 94 to 93.9 MIA on December 25th, 2008, some months after the snippet's recording, according to Wikipedia. It now plays a mix of Spanish and English Songs notably from the 1980’s and 1990’s today.

Hope we can find it soon, it’s really catchy! If you have any information on the song, leave a comment on this video or the post I linked above. Help would be appreciated, so join in on the search! :D


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