How to tell if an infj likes you (one BIG hint)

Описание к видео How to tell if an infj likes you (one BIG hint)

How do you know if an INFJ likes you? (200 points to Gryffindor if you find out) ;) In all seriousness, I'm giving away a big hint in this video on how to know if an INFJ likes you....and it's simpler than you think.

INFJs can be mystical creatures and we often find crushes uncomfortable and overwhelming. But here's a a few quick tips and signs on how to tell if an INFJ likes you including...

1 Big hint on how to tell if an INFJ likes you romantically

INFJ crushes (and how we cope) gets a bit weird.

Other random facts of helpfulness on how INFJs handle crushes, romantic likes, friend zoning, our internal psychology around crushes and more...

All in a 4-minute video. How could you want more? Christmas came early. LOL.

Love you guys,


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