20MINFOUNDER: Anne Boden, Starling Bank – from idea to £1 billion in deposits

Описание к видео 20MINFOUNDER: Anne Boden, Starling Bank – from idea to £1 billion in deposits

A career at the pinnacle of the financial services industry had left Anne Boden disillusioned with the sector. The financial crash and emerging technologies presented vast opportunity for change, but change was just not happening. A computer scientist by training, she quit her job (at the time, Chief Operating Officer of Allied Irish Banks) to set up Starling, the UK’s first app-based bank, in 2014.

“To create something that is really special, that is going to change the world and that is going to do something that has never been done before you have to live on the edge. It has to be scary because when it is scary, you do your best work.”

To get Starling off the ground and raise its initial investment, she had to break through bureaucracy and process, in-built prejudices and widespread scepticism. Today, Starling is one of the UK’s fastest growing banks, on track to hit one million customers and more than £1 billion in deposits by the end of October 2019.

In Anne Boden’s 20MINFOUNDER talk a capacity audience heard her remarkable story of how she founded a new bank after sceptics told her it couldn’t be done.

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