DIY | 프리저브드 수국으로 만든 젤캔들 홀더 만들기 | 핑크무드

Описание к видео DIY | 프리저브드 수국으로 만든 젤캔들 홀더 만들기 | 핑크무드

다양한 프리저브드 소재를 사용해 만든
플라워 젤캔들 홀더입니다.
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모국어로 변환해 보시길 추천해드립니다~^^

Measure gel wax and simmer until 100 degrees Celsius. Don't stir when it's boiling. If you keep mixing it, bubbles form.
Gel wax that has been cut to 100 degrees melts well and becomes liquid. Turn off the heat in the pot. Pour into the candle container when the temperature reaches 95 degrees.
You have to slowly pour it in a low position while decorating the flowers so that bubbles do not form.
At the end, remove the bubbles that appear to be heat from the heat gun or dryer


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