FabFilter Pro Q 4, initial thoughts

Описание к видео FabFilter Pro Q 4, initial thoughts

▶ MY PLUGINS: https://www.apmastering.com/plugins/
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▶ Sound Imports: http://soundimports.eu
▶ SchneidersLaden: https://schneidersladen.de

▶ Hypex amplifiers: https://www.hypex.nl
▶ Reaper: http://reaper.fm

▶ Studio Wong: http://studiowong.de

NOTE: I quickly edited and reuploaded this after viewers pointed out that you can turn off the annoying dot spam stuff. For some reason, despite looking for a way to turn that off, I missed the setting. Much better with it off IMHO.

I think Pro Q 2 is the best static EQ plugin currently available and have used every day for about the last decade as my main static EQ. Fabfilter is probably the most heavyweight plugin developer in the world and pro Q is one of the most important plugins ever made and it costs $180. So I am critiquing it at that level, and not at the level I would for some free plugin or indie solo dev.

I have used Nova 67p and more recently GE for all of my dynamic EQ tasks, as originally Pro Q lacked dynamic EQ, and then with Pro Q 3 there was also no usable dynamic EQ as it lacked time constants. With pro Q 4 there are attack and release parameters but still no ordinary time constants in milliseconds without any auto stuff. So if you think I sound overly negative, it's because I've been waiting a decade to use one EQ plugin instead of two (pro Q & nova) but even with pro Q 4, I still have to continue using two. So to me there is no real new value to be found there, and the annoyances outweigh any new benefits.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE I'm not a review focused channel and don't normally do, nor plan to start doing, plugin reviews. The reason I am reviewing pro Q 4 is because pro Q is arguably the single most important plugin in the world and this is a long awaited new major version addressing criticisms of lacking time constants.


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