PaleoRewind 2024 - Announcement

Описание к видео PaleoRewind 2024 - Announcement

Oh yeah baby we're back!

✅ DinoFax - January - Friday, December 20th! ✅
Channel -    / @thedinofax  
Video -    • The Brand New Tyrannosaurus and Megal...  


✅ Astrid Lundberg / OddPride - February - Saturday, December 21st! ✅
Channel -    / @astridlundberg  
Video -    • The problem with apex predators... ||...  


✅ Ben G Thomas / 7 Days of Science - March - Sunday, December 22nd! ✅
Channel -    / @7daysofscience  
Video -    • A Giant Prehistoric Turtle & A Tapewo...  


✅ The Vividen - April - Monday, December 23rd! ✅
Channel -    / @thevividen  
Video -    • The Story of the World’s Biggest Pred...  


✅ Jimmy from DWABA - May - Tuesday, December 24th! ✅
Channel -    / @dwaba  
Video -    • Titans, Tacos, and Paleo AI!  It's Pa...  

✅ DuplexDoesArt - June - Wednesday, December 25th! ✅
Channel -    / @duplexdoesart  


✅ Extinct on Impact - July - Thursday, December 26th! ✅
Channel -    / @extinctonimpact  
Video -    • Tyrants of Unusual Size & Dragons wit...  


✅ Henry the Paleoguy - August - Friday, December 27th! ✅
Channel -    / @henrythepaleoguy  
Video -    • PaleoRewind 2024 - August | French Ab...  


✅ PaleoEntertainment - September - Saturday, December 28th! ✅
Channel -    / @paleoentertainment  
Video -    • Tyrannosaurs, Titanosaurs, and Tall T...  


✅ Omega Pictures - October - Sunday, December 29th! ✅
Channel -    / @omegapictures318  
Video -    • Paleo Rewind 2024: October Edition!  


✅ Harrison Duran or duranosaur - November - Monday, December 30th! ✅
Channel -    / @harrisonduran6346


✅ EDGE - December - Tuesday, December 31st! ✅
Channel -    / @edgescience  
Video -    • Controversy, Resurrection, + New Dino...  


  / edgescience  


✅Instagram: @edgeonthetrail


If I've used something on my video that you don't want me to use, PLEASE EMAIL ME first before flagging a video, I'm very reasonable and will take the video down to replace whatever image or video belongs to you.

Email: [email protected]


✅ Hashtags ✅ #paleorewind #holidayswithyoutube #dinosaur


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