TAROUNDANT -MOROCCO- Cycling tour. Cycling around the world. City tour.

Описание к видео TAROUNDANT -MOROCCO- Cycling tour. Cycling around the world. City tour.

Taroundant, often called "Little Marrakech," has several highlights:Historic Medina: Explore the well-preserved old town with its narrow winding streets, traditional houses, and ancient walls.Taroudant Souks: Visit the bustling markets where you can find local crafts, spices, textiles, and traditional Moroccan goods.Palais Claudio Bravo: Admire the architecture of this palace turned art museum, featuring works by the Chilean artist Claudio Bravo.Ramparts and Gates: Walk along the city walls and discover the various gates, each with its own historical significance.Almohad Fortress: Visit the remnants of the Almohad fortress, offering panoramic views of the city and surrounding landscapes.Jardin Bio-Aromatique: Enjoy a peaceful stroll in this botanical garden, featuring a variety of aromatic plants and herbs.Taroundant Craft Complex: Witness traditional Moroccan craftsmanship, including pottery, carpet weaving, and metalwork.

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