Chen Xiao Wang, Taiji, Chenstyle, new frame Chen Fa Ke, Xin Jia Yi Lu, master chen forms

Описание к видео Chen Xiao Wang, Taiji, Chenstyle, new frame Chen Fa Ke, Xin Jia Yi Lu, master chen forms

Chen Xiao Wang is commonly recognised as the head of the current (19th) generation of the Chen family. His father, Chen Zhaoxu, was the number one guy of his generation, and his grandfather, Chen Fake, was the number one guy before that.

A lot of Tai Chi masters consider him to be currently the best example of Tai Chi that exists today regardless of style. Although there are many talented masters in Chen Village, may be Chen Village would not quite have as high a reputation as it has now without him.

As a young child he started learning with his father. After his father died early, he continued his study with an uncle of his extended family, Chen Zhaopei, who himself was a student of his own grandfather, Chen Fake. When Chen Zhaopei passed away, his uncle Chen Zhaokui taught him. He also made a point of visiting all his grandfather's students to learn as much as possible. In his youth he had a reputation for spending every free minute practising Tai Chi.


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