Seemantha- A South Indian Traditional baby shower ritual| Baayake Haadu| Seemanta Karana Haadu

Описание к видео Seemantha- A South Indian Traditional baby shower ritual| Baayake Haadu| Seemanta Karana Haadu

Customs and traditions have always been played a role of great importance from birth till death in the lives of the people belonging to different parts of the world and has become a part, occupied the central stage and witness to innumerable customs. These varied customs invoke great curiosity in the minds of the younger generation and want to learn its significance. The customs to a great extent reflect the lifestyle of the people in the society.

What is Seemantham?
Most cultures in the world over, have ceremonies/celebrations before a baby is born. Mostly, all over the world these are celebrated in the 7th month of pregnancy (Usually the odd numbered months-7th or 9th for good luck-but the 9th month might be too late).There are many different ways of celebrations but the universal essence is to make the Mom-to-be feel happy, special and even pamper her and showering her, baby and not to forget the father-to-be with love and blessings. The common theme is to bless expecting mom and pray for the well being of the mother and the baby.
The essence of the traditional Indian celebration (unity in diversity)
India being a vast and diverse sea of humanity has many different customs and celebrations in different areas—Baby Shower (In western countries) Godh Bharai (North Indian Hindus), Valakaappu (Tamil Hindus) and Seemandham (South Indian Hindus) Seemantha (Karnataka Hindus) Dohal Jeevan (Maharashtra) Bayake (Tulunadu-coastal area) and to name a few. Gujarat, Bengal etc. also have their own twists on these ceremonies.

Whatever the culture, system or custom may be, the main objective, central theme of the celebration will be same everywhere to bless the Mom-to-be and welcome the child (new member) to the family. It is the mom-to-be who is showered with blessings and bounty – cash, clothes or even jewellery – a sort of a “mother-to-be shower”. Also, traditionally it is attended by the women-folk.

Presenting of Flower (Poo) Sari (Seere):
Mother-in-law keeps one bundle (Chendu) of Jasmine (Mallige),an auspicious green color silk sari,(Patte Seere) blouse,Jewellery to be gifted, green and red bangles along with sealed Pingara ( fertile tender Areca flower),odd number of betel leaves and areca nuts and Kum Kum(Vermilion) in a steel or copper plate(Harivana).

Bayake Ceremony:
When she is ready she will be led by her sister-in-law (husband’s sister). A tall kaldeepa (wick lamp) is kept to the right of the chair. It is decorated with flowers and lit by the mother-in-law. The sister-in-law and would be mother will take three rounds clockwise of the decorated chair and the stool kept in front of the chair. The pregnant woman sits on the decorated chair. Then the Baike ceremony begins.

A big flat Harivana (Plate) with two handles is kept on a stool in front of her. This Harivana is traditionally used for such occasions. Or a broad and flat wooden marai (Plate) can also be used. Three kodi banana leaves (front-top half of the banana leaf) is laid on the plate as it’s used in all auspicious ceremonies. The function takes place in the main hall of the house (chavadi) and the pregnant woman always faces east.
Laying out a feast before her or Balasuni:
Fruits, assorted sweets and savories are served to the pregnant woman by the mother-in-law. Usually 9 or 11 varieties of food items are served to the pregnant woman. Odd number is chosen for good luck. The items should also be of big size. Usually 10 numbers of each item is prepared.
Then 5 sumangalis (A Sumangali is a married woman living with her husband) perform aarti to the expectant mother while she remains seated. The arati tray (harivana) is rotated in a circular motion in front of the would be mother in clockwise direction. They will sing a Shobana or a baby shower song. They will put kum kum (to ward off the evil eye) and then put sese. (Rice is placed or thrown on her head) Aarti is performed to welcome the new member and to celebrate the auspicious occasion.
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