Maple Rosettes

Описание к видео Maple Rosettes

Recipe from Ethan Ward from Poultney, VT

Rosettes are traditional Scandinavian cookies generally made during the Christmas season.  The irons come in a variety of shapes, both geometric and in holiday icon forms (snowman, angel, etc). Related to rosettes, Timbales (pronounced like the thimble one wears when sewing, but with a "T" sound as opposed to the "Th" sound) are actual shells, made the same way rosettes are, that can then be filled.

Start heating enough oil in a skillet to deep-fry (about 3/4 inch) to 325 degrees.

2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon salt

Beat the eggs slightly, add milk. Stir in flour and salt and beat until smooth.
At this point, you add either savory or sweet additives to create the taste you want.

For maple, add either 1 to 2 tablespoons of granulated maple sugar or 1/4 cup syrup.
Mix thoroughly but try not to make the batter "frothy". It should be lump free and creamy. If thick, add a little milk; thin, add a little flour.

Screw handle into mold. Dip iron into 325 degree oil, then batter, not allowing batter to cover the iron, only bottom and sides. Fry in oil, a knife may be needed to help release batter from the iron. Turn fried batter over after about 20 to 30 seconds and fry on other side another 20 to 30 seconds. Remove with tongs to a towel-lined cookie sheet. Depending on the molds you use, this recipe will make about 36 shells. Sprinkle with sugar, top with jam or create your own topping. With both adding flavorings to the batter, and making your toppings, let your imagination run wild!!!


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