Episode 23: Mono Black Joins Up! / Mono Black Midrange / MTG Arena Standard Ranked

Описание к видео Episode 23: Mono Black Joins Up! / Mono Black Midrange / MTG Arena Standard Ranked

Mono Black Midrange is always been my cup of tea since I've started playing Magic: The Gathering way back when Yawgmoth's bargain - Corrupt was still a thing ins standard. With pieces like Sheoldred, The Apocalypse and other Legends like Vadmir and Kaervek, The Punisher now in tow, Tinybones Joins Up is an effective tool in disrupting your opponent's hands as well the top of their libraries which annoying and frustrating at times. Check out the deck list below and subscribe to the channel, hit that like button and share the clips so that others may enjoy it too. Cheers!


1 Lord Skitter, Sewer King (WOE) 97
21 Swamp (USG) 340
3 Kaervek, the Punisher (OTJ) 92
3 Sheoldred, the Apocalypse (DMU) 107
1 Sheoldred (MOM) 125
1 Vadmir, New Blood (OTJ) 113
1 Gisa, the Hellraiser (OTJ) 89
1 Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal (LCI) 88
1 Sorin the Mirthless (VOW) 131
3 Liliana of the Veil (DMU) 97
1 Gruesome Realization (BRO) 103
3 Insatiable Avarice (OTJ) 91
3 Cut Down (DMU) 89
3 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
1 Sheoldred's Edict (ONE) 108
2 Binding Negotiation (OTJ) 78
3 Tinybones Joins Up (OTJ) 108
2 Duress (STA) 29
2 Virtue of Persistence (WOE) 115
1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (NEO) 278
1 Demolition Field (BRO) 260
2 Mirrex (ONE) 254


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