【東方虹龍洞 ~ Unconnected Marketeers】The Princess Who Slays Dragon Kings - WBaWC Mix

Описание к видео 【東方虹龍洞 ~ Unconnected Marketeers】The Princess Who Slays Dragon Kings - WBaWC Mix

The Princess Who Slays Dragon Kings, or as I like to call it Dragon-King Slaying Princess.
Did a video for this one already and saw someone make a WBaWC mix and thought hey, what if I did that too? And so I did. I like how it came out but it could stand to improve. You'll find it isn't exactly like the original, a little flavor to spice things up and allusions to Dark Pegasus. I needed to upload something to satisfy myself, so here it is. Still working on Night Falls ~ Evening Star, it's almost finished but it depends on whether or not I like it. Also working on Crazy Backup Dancers, don't know what I'll be doing with this one honestly. Until next time, peace peace!

Image: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/900...


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