HUGE EPIC 1950s SCHINDLER Relay Logic Freight Lift in Aargau, Switzerland

Описание к видео HUGE EPIC 1950s SCHINDLER Relay Logic Freight Lift in Aargau, Switzerland

0:00 intro
0:18 normal ride
2:31 motor room
5:22 car top / lift shaft

This lift is situated in a large warehouse. It is one of the few large old Schindler freight lifts with dual motor still in operation,.
It seems almost impossible to fully piece together the history of this lift. The building it serves was constructed in the early 1940s and the lower part of the shaft inhabited by this lift was built. In the early 1950s, two floors were added on top of the section of the building containing the lift, resulting in reconstruction. In the early 1960s, further parts were added to the building and a small passenger lift was built to the left of this one here, which was replaced by a Schindler 3300 in 2013. Most likely in 1981, the relay controller of this lift was replaced.
This lift in most of its parts was probably constructed in the late 1950s. Some schematics in the documentation date to 1954, but as they are principles only, they are not specific for this lift. This means that the lift is most likely younger than their date. However, the dual motor configuration was abandoned for the KDLF+KDH machines in the early 1960s, further limiting the possible date of construction.

A special feature of this list is operator control mode (Liftier-Steuerng, Aufzugführerbetrieb). It can be activated via the key switch on the car panel. In this mode, the lift only accepts car calls. The red lamps indicate that a floor call is present on the floor next to the button. When the lift arrives at said floor, the call request is cancelled and the lamp goes dark. A Buzzer informs the operator about new calls. The Buzzer can be disabled via a switch (Summer).

Manufacturer: Schindler, ~1955-1960
Capacity: 2000 kg
Type: Traction, 2:1 roping
Floors: 7: E, 1-6
Fixtures: Schindler Q Series
Speed: 1 m/s
Travel height: 20.6m
Logic: Schindler Relay
Drive: 2 speed with 2 motors
Motor: W57, 20.6kW

WARNING/DISCLAIMER: DO NOT attempt to copy anything shown in the video without having the proper knowledge of how to do so! LIFT SHAFTS and MACHINE ROOMS are very DANGEROUS places and are NOT MEANT to be accessed by inexperienced or untrained personnel!
Dangers in these environments include but are not limited to crushing, electrocution, falling and burns.

Recording: Q2 / 2023


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