Africa 2012 - Africa in the World Economy — From Tigers to Lions?

Описание к видео Africa 2012 - Africa in the World Economy — From Tigers to Lions?

In eight of the past 10 years, Africa's "lion" economies have grown faster than East Asia's tigers. What are the priorities for the continent to emerge as a new global growth pole?

- Kofi Annan, Chairman, Africa Progress Panel (APP), Switzerland; Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum on Africa; World Economic Forum Foundation Board Member
- Gao Xiqing, President and Vice-Chairman, China Investment Corporation (CIC), People's Republic of China; Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum on Africa
- Bekele Geleta, Secretary-General, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Geneva; Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum on Africa
- Monhla Hlahla, Chairperson, Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC), South Africa; Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum on Africa
- Donald Kaberuka, President, African Development Bank (AfDB), Tunis; Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum on Africa
- Doug McMillon, President and Chief Executive Officer, Wal-Mart International, Wal-Mart Stores, USA; Co-Chair of the World Economic Forum on Africa

Opening Remarks by
- Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum
- Josette Sheeran, Vice-Chairman and Member of the Managing Board, World Economic Forum

Chaired by
- Børge Brende, Managing Director, Government Relations and Constituent Engagement, World Economic Forum


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