The Halloween RUMBLE Will FREAK You Out!! ** WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK **

Описание к видео The Halloween RUMBLE Will FREAK You Out!! ** WATCH AT YOUR OWN RISK **

The Champions rumble is after this one! But first we have the Halloween characters set to fight it out!!


Champions Rumble Contestants!

1. Rhonda Rousey
2. Michael Myers
3. Michael Jordan
4. Eddie Guerrero
5. Hawk
6. Animal
7. Poppa Shango
8. Ultimate Warrior
9. Captain Pickard
10. Triple H
11. Young Sting
12. Dusty Rhodes
13. Cody Rhodes???
14. Burned Fiend
15. Bray Wyatt
16. Lion-O
17. Ice Cube
18. Eddie Guerrero!! (Sub: Mr. Perfect Who Came In Second??)
19. Rhyno
20. Creep Show
21. Bret Hart
22. Gandalf
23. Frodo
24. Heman
25. Sekeletor
26. Roman Reigns
27. Buff Bagwell
28. The Fiend
30. Season 7 Champ: Carl Winslow
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