The pope meets US President Bush at the White House

Описание к видео The pope meets US President Bush at the White House

(16 Apr 2008)

1. Wide shot of White House as Pope Benedict XVI arrives
2. Mid shot of Pope Benedict's car pulling up to White House South Lawn
3. US President George W Bush and First Lady Laura Bush walk up to greet Benedict as he gets out of car
4. President and Laura Bush walk Pope over to shake hands with Cabinet officials
5. Wide side shot of Bush and Pope walking towards stage
6. Bush and Benedict on stage
7. Extreme wide shot of ceremony as National Anthem of the Holy See is performed
8. Tight shot of Benedict's face as anthem is played
9. Side shot of Bush and Benedict sitting down
10. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps marching past the two leaders
11. Back shot of the Fife and Drum Corps
12. Bush and Benedict watching
13. Benedict sitting on stage, UPSOUND: (English) crowd says "Happy Birthday," then sings "Happy Birthday"
14. Wide pan of the crowd singing "Happy Birthday" and cheering
15. Benedict standing up and raising his arms
16. Wide shot of crowd
17. Side shot of Bush at podium
18. SOUNDBITE: (English) George W Bush, US President:
"In a world where some no longer believe that we can distinguish between simple right and wrong, we need your message to reject this dictatorship of relativism and embrace a culture of justice and truth. In a world where some see freedom as simply the right to do as they wish, we need your message that true liberty requires us to live our freedom not just for ourselves, but in a spirit of mutual support."
19. Bishops and others in crowd
20. SOUNDBITE: (English) Pope Benedict XVI
"Mr. President, dear friends, as I begin my visit to the United States, I express once more my gratitude for your invitation, my joy to be in your midst, and my fervent prayers that Almighty God will confirm this nation and its people in the ways of justice, prosperity and peace. God bless America."
21. Wide shot of crowd applauding
22. Wide shot of Bush and Benedict walking on White House balcony, zoom in to Benedict waving
23. Bush and Benedict walking along the White House colonnade and waving


An enthralled crowd of more than 13-thousand people gathered on the South Lawn of the White House on Wednesday to welcome Pope Benedict XVI; only the second pope in history to visit Washington, DC.

His 90-minute stay at the White House was accompanied by the kind of pomp and pageantry rarely seen in the nation's capital, even on grounds accustomed to welcoming royalty and the world's most important leaders.

On the first full day of his first trip to the United States, Benedict also celebrated his 81st birthday, an historic event not lost on the crowd who sang him Happy Birthday - twice.

The vast South Lawn was filled to nearly bursting with the largest crowd of George W Bush's presidency, requiring a large television screen so those farther back could see.

Thousands unable to get inside filled Washington's streets as well, playing music and waving banners as they waited for a hoped-for glimpse of the pontiff passing by later in his popemobile.

Following an almost serenely quiet papal arrival, Bush and Benedict strolled along a red carpet to a platform set up on the lawn.

They sat side-by-side as the Marine Band played the national anthem of the Holy See while a 21-gun salute sprayed gray smoke into the air.

Famed American soprano Kathleen Battle sang "The Lord's Prayer." The US Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps marched by, dressed in colonial garb.

Some in the audience called out "Viva il Papa." Others held handmade signs, one reading: "We love you pope of hope."

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