New DrumBrute Impact Review and Full Sound Test

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0:00 Intro sound
0:55 Analog vs digital
1:25 Overview
2:35 Impact vs. Drumbrute
3:05 Accents and colors
3:30 Kick sound test
4:15 Snares
5:25 Tom, cymbal, cow
6:25 Hats
7:15 FM drum
9:05 How patterns are organized
9:30 Step sequencing
10:20 Swing and random controls
11:05 Ratchet options
11:30 Quantized and unquantized recording
12:00 Looper and roller functions
12:50 Distortion
13:20 Mute and solo
14:00 Polyrhythms
14:50 Songs
15:40 Pros & cons


The DrumBrute Impact is new smaller and less expensive brother to Arturia’s DrumBrute. It’s an analog drum machine that packs a punch at an aggressively low price point for an analog synth. My video review shows you what it can do, and discusses its pros and cons.

First, and most importantly, the DrumBrute Impact is an analog drum machine – which means it doesn’t work based on playing back samples, but rather there’s a physical synth circuit behind every one of its instruments. This is not to say that sample based machines are bad, just very different in how they make sounds. There are things sample based machines can do that analog synths can’t, and vice versa.


There are three core sections to the DrumBrute Impact – sound synthesis, sequencing and performance. The sound synthesis section contains 10 different instruments, with adjustable parameters, and color function to add a little spice to each sound.

Sequencing is simple and straightforward based on a 16-step/bar, 4-bar per pattern and 16 patterns per song hierarchy.

Performance functions include a looper, roller and distortion, swing and randomness settings and the ability to mute and solo tracks.

For the full text of the review click here:

NOTE: Occasionally I’ll try out affiliate marketing and include affiliate links. This means that I may earn a commission when you click on or make purchases via affiliate links. The content of this clip is entirely my opinion, and was not paid for or dictated in any what by the company creating the gear. Without addressing the particulars of products shown here as they might be under NDA, gear shown on this channel may be either sent by the manufacturer, on loan for review or bought at a discount.


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