How To Make The Nui Nui Tiki Drink 🍹

Описание к видео How To Make The Nui Nui Tiki Drink 🍹

Today we're going to show you how to make the nui nui tiki drink. This is a cocktail worth sharing with friends designed by Donn Beach and most recently published by Jeff Beachbum Berry.

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The Nui Nui is a historical cocktail that we've discovered can be a great easy introduction to tiki cocktails for those weary of a good tiki drink design.

The nui nui tiki recipe is beautiful, contains a great garnish and leaves you feeling like you want another tiki cocktail! Of course, as all tiki drinks tend to be, this drink does require some interesting ingredient combinations. Donn Beach didn't make easy cocktail designs!

If you can get your hands on some allspice liqueur (allspice dram) you should be able to start building this cocktail. You can get your cinnamon simple syrup and vanilla simple syrup from so you're all set there! Unless you're in europe and don't want to ship it. In that case, just make it DIY style.

The Nui Nui Tiki Cocktail
2 oz. Aged rum
1/4 oz. Allspice dram
1/4 oz. Vanilla syrup
1/4 oz. Cinnamon syrup
3/4 oz. Fresh orange juice
3/4 oz. Fresh lime juice
1 dash Angostura bitters
Garnish: spiral-cut orange peel

A great rum cocktail, use your favorite aged rum on this one! #rum #agedrum #tiki #drinks #recipe #cocktails
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Common Man Cocktails, inspired by Derrick Schommer's intimidation when opening a cocktail book, is designed to show viewers how to create some of the most common cocktails to advanced crazy cocktails and to look back at the classics of yesterday. Derrick has learned as he goes and has been actively creating five recipes a week on the channel for over six years, lots of content to keep you entertained for hours!

CMC will teach you how to make some great cocktail designs, give you ideas for new cocktails and introduce you to the latest spirits, liqueurs, syrups, barware and bitters. If you're looking to become a cocktail enthusiast or need new ideas for your bartending trade, CMC is a great place to start.

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