A Very Depressing IFV - Namer 30 - 12-1, 9-1 + Nukes

Описание к видео A Very Depressing IFV - Namer 30 - 12-1, 9-1 + Nukes

The title is not only a pun but also a fact, this IFV is miserable 95% of the time with the other 5% being these 2 games.

Man I wish it was good because it does look really cool, but the combination of mediocre gun + all your ammo being exposed and very easy to destroy and bad (especially side) armour that clearly isn't even modeled at all but it does have all the weight (61t..) all at 10.3 which is a very poor BR for IFV's which is even worse now with all the strong 11.3 premiums being spammed this patch.

One thing that is fun however is the massive amounts of gun depression this thing gets which can allow for some very rare (thanks map designers) moments when you can abuse the hell out of people... until they hit your ammo and then you're useless lul. I'd rate this thing easily worse than the Puma and probably still worse than the KF41 maybe when its armour is fixed it will be better (both need to go down to 10.0 regardless)


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