[HINDI] Genshin impact || 5.1 abyss || can i do it 36 star on abyss

Описание к видео [HINDI] Genshin impact || 5.1 abyss || can i do it 36 star on abyss

Hello guys welcome to my channel, I go by the name shorts boy 😅 but my friends call me shorts boy so you can also call me shorts boy cause we're all friends.....😶

Anyways so what I upload here is
Gaming ,
Genshin (main content)
Valorant (in future yess)
Minecraft (if my friends agree on it🥲)

I like what I do and if you happen to agree with me on that aspect please leave a like on my videos and subscribe to my channel.

I aspire to be a creator wo creates happiness from nothingness.❤️

And also don't forget to Join My shared Community Discord server👇
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